Category: News & Announcements
Urgent for Employers Regarding Electronic I-9 Systems
Hi Employer! Here is an alarm for you to take very seriously. My compliance concern for you was heightened based on an email reply I received concerning affiliate companies that “It sounds like the other companies are already working with other software”, dovetailing with a DHS warning that a Denver attorney sent over to me…
Introducing The Form I-9 Company
The Form I-9 Company : What We Offer Failing an audit can result in fines of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, and even, in egregious cases, jail time for guilty management. Even using an electronic I-9 compliance tool is no guarantee of I-9 compliance if it is not the right tool meeting…
DHS Increases I-9 Fines, ICE is Coming for your I-9s, & You *Just Might* Need a Weatherman…
If ever there was a time for employers to be afraid, be very afraid in the Form I-9 world, in my opinion it just might be now.
The Virtual Form I-9 Is A Land Of Confusion For Employers
You know, for all the happy hoo-hah last summer, with Human Resource Professionals throughout the USA screaming “Kill It!!!” like World Wrestling fans hooting down the dark-masked villain as USCIS dispatched the dreaded in-person remote employee Form I-9 meeting with a single blow from its dubious regulatory arsenal – for all of that, there’s still…
A Stitch in Time Saves Nine (i.e. Fix Your I-9s to Save Your Bacon)
A couple of hundred thousand dollars in fines and penalties is not generally a budgeted item for most small to medium businesses
DHS Increases Form I-9 Penalties to $ Ruinous – We Help Prevent That
It is crucially important for your firm to have its Forms I-9 ship-shape, before DHS serves you with a Notice of Inspection. Not dotting an i or crossing a t can lead to federal monetary liabilities that could severely impact a company’s ability to operate, going forward.